Using technology in small business
Running a small business means that you’re a lean, mean business machine. Often, it’s just you and a few trusted staff members. You might not think that a small business-budget can have access to the kinds of technology that will build business and streamline operations, but you do. And whether you need a little help doing the books for your doggie daycare business or want to streamline scheduling for your budding housecleaning business, chances are there’s a solution just a few clicks away. We spoke with Jayson DeMers, CEO of Audience Bloom and a contributing writer on technology at, and Robert Clay, a freelance technology consultant who has worked with Fortune 500 companies such as IBM and consulted to small businesses in the care sector. Here are their top tips for how technology can help you grow and organize your small business. 1. Make Yourself Easy to Find With a Great Website Prospective clients see a strong, clean website as a ...